Tracie L. Maryne

About Tracie L. Maryne
Artist Statement
My motivation comes from a deep need and love to create. My inspiration comes from mother nature, human nature and the world around me. Ultimately my work is about capturing emotion through figurative means. With this in mind, I try to express a symbolic narrative of the affect these have on my inner being, reflecting it through fabric, paint and thread, for others to see and hopefully connect with.
My love affair with fabric started young with my grandmother teaching me how to sew on her old Singer treadle sewing machine making rag dolls and Barbie clothes. Years later with the help of summer sewing jobs, I obtained a degree in Fine Arts, majoring in ceramic sculpture from Emily Carr College of Art & Design in 1991. Twenty years later with the passing of my grandmother, I found expression through making a memory quilt to honour her and what she had taught me. One thing lead to another and I found my way back to fabric and a new creative medium…fabric/fibre art.
The move from creating ceramic tile wall pieces to fabric art quilts seemed like a natural transition: both are piecing together of parts to make a whole.
My main techniques are thread painting, fabric painting and fused applique. I often use photos I have taken in my travels through life, incorporate drawings I have done or just let my imagination run and play.
My work has been shown in galleries and juried shows throughout BC and Canada. It has been published in art quilt magazines and has been shown and won awards in national juried competitions.
FAN Exhibition Artworks
Botanical – “Clematis-Blue Ravine”
From a Tiny Seed – “Seed of Passion” & “Seed of Life”
20-20 -“Reflection”
Circles & Lines – “Gaia”
For the Birds – “Prancing Pelican”
Close Up – “Take a Closer Look”
Doors & Gateways – “Door to the Unknown”, “Gateway to Avalon”
FAN – Fibre Art Network
CQA – Canadian Quilt Association
SAGA – Studio Art Quilt Association (Juried Artist Member)
EAC – Embroidery Association of Canada